Architecture That Honours The Environment

Traditional Indian architectural values are getting incorporated into modern architecture. The qualitative and tactile qualities of traditional Indian architecture, such as order, unity, geometry, and form, are being researched and reinterpreted in the context of modern materials, technologies, and structure to create relevance. Now is the time to understand human needs and their underlying expectations, to adapt traditional building construction norms to their modern avatar. Hence, a modern Indian architect must not only cater to changing lifestyles but also successfully restore the values ​​and identity of Indian culture. As an architecture will be sustainable and will last longer.


Heritage, Architecture, Architect.

Palaces and mud houses in India have an equally rich architectural heritage. So inspired by their traditional techniques, as contemporary Indian architects, we are making their unique spaces through new designs, that embody this unique spirit of India. New architectural styles are being developed, specific to the local climate, beliefs, and philosophies, deeply rooted in years of knowledge of the country.

Traditional Indian Architectural Values In Green Architecture.

Sustainable architecture is built on the idea of regionalism; however, it does not ask us to return to the old ways of living as pure nostalgia; it inspires us to the responsible, long-term use of technology and design. Interpretation of architectural styles through features such as design concept, inward-looking plan, thick brick or stone walls, small well-designed windows, high ceilings, and elevation treatments can provide valuable lessons in sustainability. How these low-tech features functioned during times when energy consumption was limited provides examples of principles applicable to today’s efforts to conserve local identity as a response to environmental issues. The traditional response to climate, setting, and materials provides opportunities for presenting positive lessons in environmentally sound design.

Environment-Compliant Homes Are Need Of Hour.

Revitalization of architectural heritage and conservation of cultural values in an environmentally sensitive manner requires detailed planning. It needs knowledge of materials and their interactions; knowledge of construction, craft techniques, skilled technicians, and available resources; and an ongoing commitment to the region’s identity through a sustainable approach – An architect who can plan, design and oversee the complete project. Isn’t this the need of the hour too?

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